Alchemy of Excellence: The Synergy between Euroceppi and DA VITTORIO in the World of Haute Cuisine

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Federico Crippa con Chicco Cerea - EuroceppiThis collaboration began in 2017, when Federico Crippa, the current Sales Director of Euroceppi, decided to embrace the passion that has always driven him: haute cuisine. His career took off in the heart of excellence in gastronomy, at the three Michelin-starred restaurant DA VITTORIO in Bergamo, a temple of high cuisine where Federico began to cultivate his talent.

Days and nights dedicated to the culinary arts, hard work, and absolute dedication, honing his skills in an environment that breathes excellence. But fate had an even more extraordinary journey in store for him. After gaining invaluable experience, Federico decided to embark on a new adventure, far from the stoves but close to his roots.

He joined the family business, Euroceppi, bringing with him not just his love for cooking but also the vision of an innovative entrepreneur. His new mission? To create a bridge between haute cuisine and artisanal excellence, between the cutting boards and blocks his company produced and the elite of chefs.

And so, a collaboration was born, destined to redefine standards of quality and innovation in the gastronomic world: Euroceppi and the legendary restaurant DA VITTORIO. Federico introduced his father, Giovanni Crippa, to the executive chef Enrico Cerea, leading to a meeting of creative minds that would result in revolutionary products designed for culinary professionals in Italy and around the world.

A synergy that went beyond mere commercial collaboration to become a partnership based on shared values, a passion for excellence, and an unceasing search for innovation. This is more than a story of corporate success; it’s the tale of an exciting journey that combines tradition and innovation, passion and entrepreneurship.

The collaboration between Euroceppi and the restaurant DA VITTORIO is a symbol of the art of excelling together, of creating something unique and valuable that goes far beyond the boundaries of the kitchen and the industry. It is the living proof that when heart and mind work in unison, the outcome can only be extraordinary.

Collaborazione tra Euroceppi e Da Vittorio