Euroceppi S.r.l.
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
Partita IVA 01052350160
Codice REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00
All our butcher blocks are manufactured with seasoned black locust/acacia wood, which is very resistant, certified and suitable for the food industry, especially for the meat processing.
The butcher blocks model only cube and with stand are double-faced, as they can be used on both sides; while our chopping blocks with fixed legs are equipped with legs that are directly applied to the body of the chopping block and it can not be turned.
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
Partita IVA 01052350160
Codice REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
VAT Number 01052350160
REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00