Euroceppi S.r.l.
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
Partita IVA 01052350160
Codice REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00
The maintenance of Polyethylene chopping blocks and cutting board is essential, for this reason we offer you some suitable tools. Brush with stainless steel teeth is suggested to clean wooden chopping blocks and cutting boards without the use of cleansers.
Scrapers are suggested for polyethylene chopping blocks and cutting boards because they allow the removal of cuts and scrapes, regenerating the worn-out surface.
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
Partita IVA 01052350160
Codice REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
VAT Number 01052350160
REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00