Euroceppi S.r.l.
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
Partita IVA 01052350160
Codice REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00
Explore our exclusive “Wood&Lam” product category, designed specifically for serving meat. This line features a selection of fine wooden cutting boards, available in fine walnut, sturdy oak or elegant beech, enhanced by a sophisticated addition: a laminate inlay set within them. The distinguishing feature of these cutting boards is their versatility : the laminate is completely removable, allowing for easy and thorough cleaning. Take advantage of the beauty and functionality of Wood&Lam to provide impeccable, high-quality service in the preparation and presentation of your meat dishes.
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
Partita IVA 01052350160
Codice REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00
Via Dante Alighieri, 56 – 24040 Stezzano (BG)
VAT Number 01052350160
REA BG-222487
CCIAA N° 222487
Trib. Bg. Reg. Soc. N. 26688 Vol 25737
Cap. Soc: 57.000.00